Join certified local instructor John Uddstrom for some gentle physical exercise. Emphasis on stretching and balance. Great for maintaining your flexibility as you age.
Waiver form required at first session.
Drop-ins welcome as space permits.
Ages 3 1/2 to 5 years, but DON'T WORRY! THIS IS NOT JUST FOR PRESCHOOLERS! Everyone loves a great story, right?
We welcome back the Pittsburgh Pierogi Truck in our front parking lot every Friday through March 20 from noon to 6:00 pm! Hot and delicious pierogi, haluski, stuffed cabbage!
Partial proceeds benefit SNHL!
City of Asylum cordially invites you to participate in the 2024 Pittsburgh Teen Poetry Slam Contest.
This year, we hope to explore one of two themes with contest participants: identity and social justice.
After Library Closes
This program occurs after the library closes.