Meeting "The Huddle"
Stories and songs for kids from birth to age six and their families.
Come make and enjoy a tasty treat and hear a great story! For those in grades 1 through 6. Please register.
Enjoy painting with friends? Join Miss Libby for painting sessions with fun themes. Just bring an old T-shirt and your imagination! This session is for those in grades K-3 only.
Enjoy painting with friends? Join Miss Libby for painting sessions with fun themes. Just bring an old T-shirt and your imagination! This session is for those in grades 4 -6 only.
AFTER HOURS TWEEN CRAFTIN’: Tween Tie Dye! Winter Accessory Edition
Grades 4 - 6! Bring a winter accessory of your choice (hat, gloves, mittens, scarf, leg warmers, socks, etc.) and we'll supply the rest! This event is after library hours. A super-special grownup must stay in the building.